
We also offer an effective and focused consultancy service. Our consultants have both practice and management experience in their fields and can offer their expertise to support your organisation. Our consultants can work with you in many different ways.
Examples of consultancy include:
- review and audit of current safeguarding process and practice
- review and revision to safeguarding policies to reflect best practices and the latest legislative and regulatory requirements
- review and revision of quality assurance and governance frameworks
- support in developing designated safeguarding leads
- consultancy and exploration sessions of competency-based approaches in the management, practice and service delivery of effective partnership safeguarding practice
- analysis of Adult Safeguarding Reviews / Serious Case Reviews / Serious Incidents and near misses
- independent authors for Safeguarding Adult Reviews
- supporting LA with their preparations for CQC inspections
- development of policies, procedures and practice guidance, Safeguarding Adult Board framework on transitional safeguarding, What constitutes a safeguarding concern.
- safeguarding mentoring to safeguarding leads, SAB managers and specialist safeguarding staff
- development of e-learning courses
- case auditing for a number of LAs / NHS Trust: eg covering safeguarding, MCA
- Safeguarding Adults Reviews and Thematic Reviews
- development of supporting tools and guidance to support Multi-Agency Risk Management Approaches in cases that fall outside of the S42 enquiry duty
- facilitating learning events for SABs and senior leadership teams.
Please ask us about our consultancy fees.
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Making Connections (Isle of Wight) Ltd, St Thomas House, 17 St Thomas Square, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1SL
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