Specialists in Safeguarding Training & Consultancy
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Examples of consultancy include:

  • review and audit of current safeguarding process and practice
  • review and revision to safeguarding policies to reflect best practices and the latest legislative and regulatory requirements
  • review and revision of quality assurance and governance frameworks
  • support in developing designated safeguarding leads
  • consultancy and exploration sessions of competency-based approaches in the management, practice and service delivery of effective partnership safeguarding practice
  • analysis of Adult Safeguarding Reviews / Serious Case Reviews / Serious Incidents and near misses
  • independent authors for Safeguarding Adult Reviews
  • supporting LA with their preparations for CQC inspections
  • development of policies, procedures and practice guidance, Safeguarding Adult Board framework on transitional safeguarding, What constitutes a safeguarding concern.
  • safeguarding mentoring to safeguarding leads, SAB managers and specialist safeguarding staff
  • development of e-learning courses
  • case auditing for a number of LAs / NHS Trust: eg covering safeguarding, MCA
  • Safeguarding Adults Reviews and Thematic Reviews
  • development of supporting tools and guidance to support Multi-Agency Risk Management Approaches in cases that fall outside of the S42 enquiry duty
  • facilitating learning events for SABs and senior leadership teams.